Art & Photography
Foundations of Art (Art I)
Teaches drawing, design, and 3-dimensional art, which may include: perspective, painting, portraiture, still life, color theory, clay and sculpture. Students develop awareness of elements of art. Incorporates art history, production, criticism and aesthetics.
Creative Arts Media I (Art II)
Creative Arts Media is a second level, visual art course, where students will apply and expand upon previous knowledge from Foundations of Art. Students will utilize the principles of design to creatively explore various arts media. Arts media will include, but not be limited to, advanced drawing techniques, figure drawing, pottery, color theory, painting, and sculpture. A key component of this course is student-driven, creative, problem solving. This class will produce an intermediate portfolio preparing students for the upper-level courses, such as: Art Major I, Sculpture, and Art III. The prerequisite course is Foundations of Art.
Creative Arts Media II (Art III)
Builds on concepts learned in previous courses. Students learn advanced techniques of fine art. Attention given to development of problem solving, decision-making, and critical thinking skills. In addition to skill building exercises, students complete finished projects in a variety of two-and three-dimensional media. Many projects are self-directed, and students are frequently given the opportunity to make decisions regarding subject matter and choice of media. Units of study may include drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, illustration, design, art history, and career opportunities. Students gain a deeper appreciation of art and a basis for lifelong artistic endeavors. Prerequisites: Foundations of Art and Creative Arts Media.
Photography I
Gives students an in-depth look at the field of digital photography. Students are taught the basics of digital photography from composition to basic photo-manipulation and color printing using imaging software. Hands-on computer experience is provided to all students on the photography lab equipment included color printers, scanners, and digital cameras.
Photography II
A comprehensive course that includes instruction in the areas of digital photography and graphic design. Knowledge gained in Photography I will be expanded upon as we explore areas of individual interests and abilities. At all levels the use of computers will be utilized in the use of software filters and effects tools. Projects will be assigned and work will be required outside of class. Prerequisite: Photography I.