Computer Applications
Recommended for all students. Covers skill development for keyboarding, word processing, databases, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, slide presentations, Internet technology, and advanced course study. Special emphasis will be given to practical activities to teach students to research, analyze, and synthesize information.
Introduction to Business
Explores various topics in the business world. Specific areas of study include economic systems, management, marketing, advertising, banking and credit, ethics, international business, and career exploration. Develops computer literacy, consumer, and communication skills. This course fulfills the Financial Literacy graduation requirement.
Graphic Presentations
Teaches basic design concepts and applies these strategies to real-world projects using a variety of industry standard software packages. Students will create presentation documents such as letterheads, logos, invitations, flyers, brochures, advertisements, etc. Students will also learn to use a digital camera and scanner. *Offered as RCBC Cap Course.
Web Design
Introduces web design as a communication and research/reference tool. Covers introduction to web design, essential terms and technologies, issues and policies, key reference sites, and design development of HTML. Enables students to author and edit Web Pages; to create image files using scanner and digital camera; and to create audio files and presentations.